PAULO Dufour : obscurations of Light & the mind
Paulo Dufour, 2018
OPENING RECEPTION: FRiday, 09/14, 6 - 9 P.M.
In his latest BRG exhibition, Obscurations of Light & the Mind, BRG artist member Paulo Dufour shares both works of blown and sculpted glass as well as water media works on paper. The works, regardless of media, are, as Dufour puts it, "an arousal from the obscurations that occur with lack, with density, and with the membrane of self-delusion like the scent left in a bottle which once held something forgotten."
Paulo Dufour, "Anomic," blown & sculpted glass, 2018
"Every piece has its own unique life that began with an intention, transforms in discovery, and reveals in the reductive close examination," says Dufour.
A BRG artist member since 1985, Dufour was born in Portsmouth, N.H., and spent his early life in the woods around Baton Rouge. The son of artist and LSU Professor and BRG founding Artist Member Paul Dufour, Paulo Dufour was inspired by art and glass from an early age. Paulo Dufour has exhibited all over the United States from Seattle to Los Angeles and is in collections from Spain to Tennessee.
Currently, Dufour resides in Covington, LA and creates glass projects for a variety of clients, galleries and invitational museum exhibits while also working as a dedicated teacher in the public school system.
This exhibition is presented alongside the latest works from David DuBose and Randell Henry. All works from these three artists are on view, free of charge, during normal gallery hours (12 - 6 p.m., Tue - Sun) through September 27, 2018.