Surreal Salon 14’s guest Juror RETURNS TO BRG TO TALK ‘Scissors & Tears’
Thanks to its ongoing partnership with the LSU School of Art, Baton Rouge Gallery is excited to welcome the Special Guest Juror for last year’s Surreal Salon 14, Carrie Ann Baade, back to Louisiana’s capital city! Ahead of her lecture at LSU, Baade will host a special lunchtime talk at BRG on her new monograph, Scissors & Tears (published by La Luz de Jesus).
Artist Carrie Ann Baade
Baade’s talk at BRG is free and open to the public. Those in attendance will also have the opportunity to view the Surreal Salon 15 exhibition (curated by Marco Mazzoni) which will close the following day.
The first comprehensive monograph Baade’s paintings, Scissors & Tears showcases approximately 100 paintings from 2002 to the present in this vivid exploration of her investigation into surreal self-portraits. An introduction by curator Anna Wall while art historian Susan Aberth provides insight into Baade’s working method with collage. Fiction author Selena Chambers also offers a guided tour of an imagined metaverse exhibition of Baade’s works while Baade herself provides an enlightening view into her own creative process.
Carrie Ann Baade’s oil paintings dialogue with the past through complex iconography and imagery quoted from Renaissance and Baroque canvases. She constructs layered narratives that resemble fantastical parables as her compositions interlace the strange beauty in the unexpected, the uncanny, the disregarded, and the unconventional. Her compositions, feminist and autobiographical, weave personal and classical symbology into narratives on mortality, sexuality, personal transformation, and the darker side of human nature.Susan L. Aberth is an associate professor in the Art History and Visual Culture Program at Bard College. In addition to her 2004 book Leonora Carrington: Surrealism, Alchemy and Art (Lund Humphries), she has contributed to Seeking the Marvelous: Ithell Colquhoun, British Women and Surrealism (Fulgur Press, 2020), Agnes Pelton: Desert Transcendentalist (Phoenix Art Museum, 2019), Surrealism, Occultism and Politics: In Search of the Marvelous (Routledge Press, 2018).
Click for more details:
Baade’s LSU School of Art Lecture: “Critics and Kitsch: Looking under the Lowbrow”